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A report for the all-Ukrainian national telethon "Єдині новини"
Balancing Ethics and Influence
Announcement of an Open Tender
UnMode in international dialogue!
Audits: A Headache or Another Tool?
UnMode Audits: Video
We thankRADIO SVOBODA for this article (in Ukrainian).
Enhancing Justice in the Context of HIV: Chisinau Forum
Foreign Agent!
Monitoring the observance of prisoners' rights
UnMode's voice resonates at international conferences!
Popularity and Safety! A new video available
Popularity and Safety: The Price of Media Mentions
Video: UNMODE Outcomes of 2023-24
UNMODE: Facing Challenges, Achieving Victories
The Story of Maxim
Strategic Cases on the Protection of Prisoners' Rights in 2024
Statement to the UN Special Rapporteur
Ara rusul kanons
Welcome to UnMode AI Consultant
Financial audits of UnMode projects 2023
Management audit
Oral statement to the UN Special Rapporteur for Human Rights
Final report
International Migrant Day December 18th
Drug policy in Ukrainian
Regional Forum of judges
There is no way to accept
Light at the end of the tunnel
What kind of football do we play here
Ukrainian refugees
The meeting of the Consortium "Health and Rights of Prisoners" (PHRC) in Georgia.
Over 10 months in the Center for Temporary Accommodation of Foreign Citizens without any prospects!
A brief update on the story of the 6 Ukrainian ex-prisoners we previously reported about
"In every colony of Kharkiv - a little "russian world'"
Situation at Upper Lars Border Crossing, GEORGIA
Draft law 9579 Ukraine
Another success story from our human rights defenders!
Welcome to the free world! New group of Ukrainian ex-prisoners in Georgia
Initiatives of Ukrainian prisoners and former prisoners: Ukraine, Georgia
BEFORE/AFTER - Sergey's story
Human Rights organization ANO "Right of Everyone" (orenburg) - declared foreign agents!
Informal Refusals and Bureaucratic Hurdles: UnMode Strives for the Return of Ukrainian Citizens Home
UnMode met 10 more Ukrainian citizens in Georgia border
«Support. Don’t punish»
A new group of Ukrainian ex-prisoners has arrived in Georgia.
UnMode Official Statement
Ukrainian ex-prisoners in russian TDCFCs: how to back home?
Latvia refused to accept 6 Ukrainian citizens deported from russia
UnMode, on behalf of its beneficiaries, filed 15 war crimes allegations with the Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine
May 21 is International AIDS Day of Remembrance
New group of Ukrainian ex-prisoners in Georgia
Post in support of Svetlana Arshavskaya, our friend and colleague from ANO “Everyone's Right”, Orenburg, Russia.
Complaint to the UN Human Rights Committee accepted for consideration
UnMode experience will be included in UN periodic report
A new group of Ukrainian ex-prisoners in Georgia!
Our Mission
UnMode, on behalf of their beneficiaries, submitted a number of applications to the General Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine
putin signed a decree, which the network has already managed to call the “deportation” of Ukrainians from the territories of Ukraine occupied by moscow
The Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture respesentive visit
russia: bill to recognize feminism as an extremist ideology
Monitoring data attached
UnMode in The New York Times!
Yanina Stemkovskaya, UnMode representative in Ukraine, perform at the #CND66 (Commission on Narcotic Drugs)
The voice of UnMode is heard on international platforms!
Meet Uncle Tolya!
Webinar “Activism in the Diaspora: Challenges and Opportunities”,Human Rights in China (HRIC)
Another group of Ukrainian ex-prisoners forcibly removed from the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine - already home!
Status report on prison health in the WHO European Region
Three more Ukrainian ex-prisoners illegally detained in the Volgograd Temporary Detention Center for Foreign Citizens (TDCFC) will soon be at home!
United Nations Agency for Refugees in the Nordic and Baltic countries (UNHCR RNB) response
Alexander Fedorenko: torture, beatings and forced removal from Ukraine
Update on 14 Ukrainian ex-prisoners - CDFC, russia
The problem of Ukrainian prisoners in Russian prisons cannot be hushed up!
Citizens of Ukraine were called criminals and denied entry!
Urgent update
Webinar with Ivan Anoshkin
Breaking news!
Shadow report on Georgia
UnMode wishes everyone a Happy New Year!
Christmas story
New Year for Oksana!
We found them!
Video for December 10 - International Human Rights Day
It worked! Friends and colleagues, we are hurry to share the successful result of our case!
How to treat a whole life prisoner in Ukraine?
How to force the relevant UN committee to promptly respond to cases of torture?
Yanina Stemkovskaya, representative of UnMode in Ukraine, took part in the COBATEST Network meeting
Urgent news from Kherson
What is fed in pre-trial detention centers, colonies and prisons in Ukraine, Russia and America
The UN Human Rights Committee has responded to a targeted appeal from our human rights activist from Russia
Interim report on monitoring results
Already free