


russia: bill to recognize feminism as an extremist ideology



State Duma Deputy Oleg Matveychev proposed to recognize feminism as an extremist ideology in russia. The bill is being considered by the State Duma commission to investigate the facts of interference of foreign states in the internal affairs of the russian federation.


UnMode believes that the idea of banning feminism in russia is a reflection of the government's growing authoritarianism and its attempts to control the country's public discourse. This is a direct attack on women's rights and yet another legal ploy to silence human rights defenders. It is also part of a broader government effort to limit civil liberties, limit freedom of expression, and stifle dissent.


One of the main problems faced by feminists in russia is the lack of legal protection of women's rights. Women often face discrimination in employment, education and other areas of life based on gender. In addition, domestic violence against women is still a serious problem in russia, and many cases go unreported or go unnoticed.


UnMode supports any movement for the rights of any person, regardless of their gender, race, religion or other characteristics. We believe in a society where everyone has equal rights, duties and responsibilities, we support all those who fight for their right to equal and fair treatment.


We believe that everyone deserves equal rights and opportunities, regardless of gender or race, and we strive to make this a reality in the country.


We hope that through continuous efforts, UnMode creates a more equal society every day, where everyone is respected and valued equally.