



The Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture respesentive visit

To meet the UnMode team, volunteers and victims of torture and discuss activities, problems and prospects for future activity - the main goals of the visit of Jack Pop, a representative of the UN Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture, which took place on March 30 in Tbilisi, Georgia.


Within the framework of the meeting, Mr. Pop held a few group and individual meetings with key UnMode employees, discussing the nuances of project documentation and reporting procedures. The team also got acquainted with the main principles of the Fund, analyzed the criteria for evaluating grants and the online accounting system.


“The anticipation of the meeting was exciting, as the huge work was done! I am glad that I received positive feedback on the internal documents of the Organization, because this is what concerns my direct work. But in general, the impression and awareness of our coolness is unreal!”, - UnMode representative.


In addition, in order to better assess the impact of the project on the beneficiaries, Jack Pop met with victims of torture who receive direct assistance from the Organization.


This series of meetings was held in strict confidentiality and concerned the evaluation of the services provided, and not the documentation of human rights violations.


To organize this part of the visit, we provide the interpreter and the questionnaires of the beneficiaries.


“The case when reality exceeded all expectations! It was a discovery for me that “live”, dynamic, open people like Jack are handling applications”, - UnMode representative.


As a result of the visit the Organiyation will get official recommendations and a confidential report, which will be submitted to the Fund's Board Members.


“Jack is a high-level specialist! What he is doig  is not just a job for him. It is easy and comfortable to be on an equal footing with him. We admire him for his sensitivity and openness”, - UnMode representative.


We thank Mr. Jack Pop for his time, attention and high professionalism.