


Balancing Ethics and Influence

When operating across different countries, UnMode faces a critical ethical question: how to promote fairness and truth without undermining the rights and autonomy of local communities? We firmly support Ukraine in its struggle against Russian aggression and advocate for Georgia’s European and democratic course. However, we also recognize that the fight for human rights and systemic change in a country must be led by its own citizens.

It is crucial not to remain silent in the face of injustice, yet international organizations should not replace local civil society. For example, applications to the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) should come from local organizations, not international actors. Our role is one of support. We can highlight problems in governance, note legal barriers, and share insights and experiences with local NGOs, but the initiative must come from within. Only the citizens of a country can achieve real, lasting change, improving their lives and writing their own history.

This approach respects the right to self-determination and acknowledges the distinctiveness and uniqueness of each nation, society, civil initiative, and state. We reject the colonial mindset, which assumes that outsiders know best how things should be managed internally. UnMode chooses the path of support and partnership, refraining from interference and, when requested, helping local activists and organizations become more sustainable, effective, and independent.

Meaningful advocacy and development can only occur when a country’s citizens fight for its future themselves.