


The Story of Maxim

The Story of Maxim: Triumph Over Injustice

Maxim (name changed) is a person whose story has become a symbol of indomitable spirit and struggle for justice. For the past few years, his life has been filled with trials that could have broken anyone. But not Maxim. This is a story of how he went through all the difficulties and achieved his right to life and health.

Maxim was serving his sentence in one of the prisons in Russia. Besides being deprived of his freedom, he faced serious illnesses, including thyroid cancer, severe COPD, and stage 4B HIV. These diseases should have been grounds for his release on health conditions according to the law. However, for two years, the courts refused to release Maxim, claiming that he was receiving adequate medical care.

In reality, Maxim was not receiving the necessary treatment, and his health was rapidly deteriorating. During his time in prison, he became a second-degree invalid, which further complicated his life in prison.

Having exhausted all national resources, we at UnMode, together with colleagues from EPLN, filed a complaint with the UN Human Rights Committee in October 2023, requesting urgent measures to ensure Maxim received the necessary medical care.

Just five days later, the UN Committee demanded that Russia provide Maxim with comprehensive and adequate medical care and ensure the protection of his life and health during the consideration of his case.

Despite the UN's demands, Russian courts continued to refuse Maxim's release. But we did not give up and began sending these demands to all instances, trying to achieve his release. The courts still refused. We wrote to the UN again, saying that Russia was not complying with their demands. In February 2024, the UN again reminded Russia that Maxim needed help.

The Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation requested a response to the complaint from the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court passed the case to the local level, where Maxim was serving his sentence. There, the court ordered Maxim's immediate release, complying with the UN's decision. However, the prosecution appealed this decision, and only in May 2024 did the appellate court finally release Maxim.

Today, Maxim is being treated in civilian hospitals - in the cancer center and the AIDS center. He is trying to regain the health lost in prison and start a new life. His story is not only a personal victory but also an example of the importance of support and compassion.

Maxim's story shows that you should never give up, even when it seems that everything is against you. His path to freedom and health is a symbol of hope for all who fight for their rights and justice.

Maxim won. Never give up.

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