


Another success story from our human rights defenders!

Another success story from our human rights defenders!

The events took place in Crimea, a temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine. It was here that Andrey Artemyev returned after his release from the Russian-controlled CSIG, a place we have previously written about concerning his fight for life and health. https://unmode.org/novosti/zhaloba-v-komitet-oon-po-pravam-cheloveka-prinyata-k-rassmotreniyu.html

After returning to Crimea following his release, Andrey once again needed our assistance - he faced the threat of imprisonment. Our human rights defenders went through a lengthy process of preparing and obtaining medical records, and they also engaged independent infectious disease specialists. Thanks to their involvement in the proceedings and due to Andrey's deteriorating health condition, he was hospitalized before the court trial. He spent time in the hospital until the trial, and eventually, the court took his health into consideration and sentenced Andrey to one year of probation.

Such stories speak to the value of human rights advocacy and the importance of supporting and protecting the rights of every individual. We take pride in being part of this fight for justice and human rights, advocating for those in need of our assistance and support.