


Alyona Asayeva. Three years without a blue puppy

Three years have already passed since the death of Alyona Asayeva, a human rights activist, activist, friend. For three whole years we have not heard her voice and do not know her position on what is happening around.

Although, of course, we know.

For many years, Alyona’s avatar on Facebook was a Blue puppy. He’s still there, just go to her page.

If anyone does not know, “Blue Puppy” is such a Soviet musical children’s fairy tale, according to which a famous cartoon was shot.

This is a fairy tale about a puppy who was born of an unusual – blue – color. Everyone who saw him laughed at him, despised him and did not want to be friends with him. The blue puppy lived in absolute solitude until the island on which he lived was attacked by an Evil Pirate. With the help of a Black Cat, a trickster and a deceiver, he kidnapped a Blue puppy. Then there was a long struggle and at the end of the fairy tale the Blue Puppy freed the island from the villains and became a hero for all its inhabitants.

This fairy tale was loved by millions of children who were born in the Soviet Union. And Alyona, being already an adult, deliberately chose this image, combining this feeling of a “stranger” for everyone and an ineradicable desire to fight evil in all its manifestations no matter what.

Alyona was a special person. Too often, different people call themselves “human rights defenders”, about whom you can say a lot of different things, and even good things, but you can’t find almost anyone whose rights they would protect. Beautiful words about something general, about something beautiful.

Alyona was a human rights activist who defended the rights of people who use drugs. And what is important is that these were not just “key community”, “vulnerable group” and so on – they were competitive people who could be called by name and called by dialing certain numbers.

Alyona was different, and although sometimes her initiatives struck many with their radicality and, it would seem, impracticability, her sincerity in the struggle for justice was undeniable.

lyona was worried about everyone, just as she wasn’t worried about herself. Activism and human rights protection were not a job for her, not a means of gaining status, but a vocation. There are very few such people in the world at all – the fingers of one hand are enough; therefore, her departure is such a tragedy for everyone and for our common cause.

There are people who determine the moral face of this very case. Both during life and after leaving.

Alyona has become such a person and will remain so forever.

The pain of loss overwhelms the heart, and this wound will not heal soon. Sleep well, dear Alyona – the Blue puppy will win.

We all know that.